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Accessibility Reports for Public Sector Organizations

Under the AODA, public sector organizations must complete accessibility reports every two (2) years. The next accessibility reports for public sector organizations are due on December 31st, 2023. Moreover, the Ontario government will not give any extensions after December 31st, 2023. Therefore, public sector organizations should try to complete their reports early. In addition, if organizations have technical difficulties, they should let the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility know. The Ministry can help resolve technical problems.

Accessibility Reports for Public Sector Organizations

Public sector organizations that must complete accessibility reports include:

  • Public hospitals
  • School boards
  • Universities
  • Colleges of applied arts and technology
  • Public transportation organizations

How to Complete Accessibility Reports for Public Sector Organizations

Organizations complete the report by filling in a form on the Ontario government’s website. They must download the form and open it with Adobe Reader, not in their browsers. The first two (2) pages of the form are instructions. Then, workers must click to open the rest of the form. However, once the whole form is opened, the instructions will no longer appear on the workers’ screens. Therefore, workers filling in the form should copy or print off these two (2) pages to look at as they complete the form. Furthermore, one (1) or more workers in an organization can complete a form. Workers can save the form and send it to coworkers so that they can complete it together.

Workers start completing the form by selecting their organization category (public sector organization). Selection ensures that all questions on the form will apply. Workers must then input their organization’s legal name and business number (BN9), from federal or provincial tax returns. Organizations without a BN9 should contact the government to receive an AODA identifier. Next, the form asks for organizations’ number of workers. Finally, one (1) senior member of the organization must give their name and contact information. This senior member, called the certifier, will later confirm that the report is complete and accurate. The certifier must have legal authority to make this claim.

Workers must then answer the yes-or-no questions on the form. Once they have answered all questions, organizations submit the form by clicking a button at the bottom.

Our next article will discuss some of the questions in accessibility reports for public sector organizations.