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Accessible Parking near Housing

The AODA does not yet include standards governing the housing sector. However, the Third Review of the AODA recommends new standards in various sectors, and suggests guidelines for future housing standards. In addition, the review recommends that future AODA standards should align with existing standards in other parts of the country. For instance, Accessibility Standards Canada (ASC) and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA Group) have developed federal standards for accessible housing. Future AODA housing standards may include some or all of these guidelines and requirements to make people’s homes more accessible. In this article, we explore guidelines in the federal housing standards for accessible parking in housing.

Accessible Parking Near Housing

Every resident should have access to parking near their dwelling. For example, parking near dwellings includes:

  • Parking spaces in multi-unit housing, such as:
    • At-grade parking
    • Underground parking
  • Driveways
  • Garages
  • Carports

Parking spaces should be covered, when possible, to protect vehicles from the weather and avoid the need to clear snow and ice.

Paths between home entrances and parking should be level or ramped. Moreover, these paths should be short. In other words, parking should always be close to entrances.

The standards list measurements for the length and width of accessible parking spaces. Likewise, the standards list measurements for aisles beside or behind spaces. Similarly, the standards list measurements for the width and height of garage doors, and for carport entrances.

A driveway or garage should have at least one (1) accessible parking space.

Garage doors should have automatic openers that each resident can use from inside their car. Requirements for accessible home controls should apply to garage door openers, as well as any other garage controls, such as chargers for electric cars. Cords for these chargers should not become obstacles. In addition, garage lighting should turn on and off based on motion sensors.

Finally, parking spaces in multi-unit housing must include signage.