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Ontario COVID-19 Surge Could Force Doctors to Use Online Calculator to Make Life-and-Death Decisions

Published March 28, 2021

If COVID-19’s surging third wave overwhelms Ontario’s hospitals, doctors could soon be using an emergency triage protocol that includes an online calculator to help decide who gets lifesaving care and who does not.

The website, which prompts physicians to key in a critical patient’s diagnosis in order to estimate their chances of survival, is part of an emergency procedure drafted to help doctors make what would normally be unthinkable decisions. The protocol has been distributed to hospitals. But it has never officially been made public.

Mask Exemptions Must Be Respected, Disability Advocates Say

Failure to allow exemptions under mandatory mask order constitutes human rights discrimination, city’s accessibility committee says. Ian Kaufman
March 26, 2021

THUNDER BAY Disability advocates are warning local businesses that failure to respect exemptions to mandatory mask policies constitutes discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

The City of Thunder Bay’s Accessibility Advisory Committee recently raised concerns that at least one business had posted a sign refusing entry to anyone not wearing a mask, “stating that persons unable to wear masks into the business are required to order purchases online.”

Providing Closed Captioning on Council Meetings too Costly, Suggests Town Staff

Author of the article: Kathleen Smith
Publishing date: Mar 25, 2021

If an Ontario-based organization uses online video, it must be made accessible. For a video to be fully accessible to individuals with disabilities, it must have closed captioning for deaf or hard-of-hearing viewers and video description for blind or low-vision users.

“For that video, for us to post it now, it’s required to have all this for people with disabilities,” said Coun. Trevor Bazinet during the March 22 virtual council meeting.

Path Forward Should Be Barrier-Free: Strides in Accessibility a Community Effort

20 years ago, Collingwood formed an advisory committee to help break down barriers and make the town a more accessible place for all By: Maddie Johnson
March 25, 2021

A few decades ago, someone requiring the use of a wheelchair might have been met with closed doors or an impassable sidewalk.

Committee Vote Goes Against Residents Opposed to New Sidewalks

Civic works committee votes against granting sidewalk exemptions on 8 London streets Andrew Lupton , CBC News
Posted: Mar 15, 2021

After four hours of debate, London city council’s civic works committee voted on Monday to follow city policy and install sidewalks on a handful of residential streets despite strong opposition from residents.