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Ontario Human Rights Commission Corroborates that the Ford Government withdrew the Government’s Widely-Condemned Critical Medical Care Triage Protocol

But as COVID-19 Infections Sky-Rocket, the Government Continues to Conceal Its Plans for Critical Care Triage

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance Update United for a Barrier-Free Society for All People with Disabilities
Web: Email: Twitter: @aodaalliance Facebook:

November 13, 2020

Ford Government Says it Rescinded its Widely-Condemned March 28, 2020 Protocol Directing Which Patients Will be Refused Life-Saving Critical Medical Care if the COVID-19 Surge Exceeds Hospital Capacity – But Won’t Reveal How It Will Fill that Vacuum


November 9, 2020 Toronto: The Ford Government announced in the Legislature last week that it cancelled its widely-condemned March 28, 2020 protocol, directing which patients would be refused life-saving critical medical care if a COVID surge overloads hospitals, requiring critical care rationing. Advocates for 2.6 million Ontarians with disabilities blasted that protocol for months, as discriminating against some patients with disabilities.

AODA Alliance Asks Toronto Mayor John Tory to Stand up for People with Disabilities and to Stand up to Corporate Lobbyists for Electric Scooter Rental Companies who are Inundating City Hall

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance Update United for a Barrier-Free Society for All People with Disabilities
Web: Email: Twitter: @aodaalliance Facebook:

November 4, 2020


The AODA Alliance today wrote an important letter to Toronto Mayor John Tory (See below). We asked him not to allow electric scooters (e-scooters) in Toronto. They endanger the safety of the public and especially people with disabilities and seniors. We’ve been told over and over that he will make the ultimate decision.

Ontario Man Denied Government-Funded Mental Health Support for Having ‘Complex’ Case

By Abigail Bimman, Global News
Posted October 29, 2020

When Elliot Hudson started having dark thoughts, and trouble getting out of bed in the mornings this fall, he knew it was time to ask for help.

Hudson has struggled with mental health and addictions for years. He’s spent a total of nearly two years in jail for a number of convictions. And while he’s now doing very well –
renting his own apartment, working and just finished his probation – the coronavirus pandemic was taking a toll.

Ford Government’s October 29, 2020 Virtual Media Event, Heralded to Unveil an Announcement on Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities, Announces Nothing New

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance Update United for a Barrier-Free Society for All People with Disabilities
Web: Email: Twitter: @aodaalliance Facebook:

November 3, 2020


On Thursday October 29, 2020, the Ford Government’s Accessibility Minister held a virtual conference which the Minister heralded as an event to unveil an announcement on advancing accessibility for 2.6 million Ontarians with disabilities. We cannot find anything new in the Minister’s announcement. Below, we offer some reflections on this announcement, and then set out the Minister’s news release and backgrounder.