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Sudbury Raptors Fan Encounters Accessibility Issues

Molly Frommer, Videojournalist, Sudbury
Published Friday, June 14, 2019

A Sudbury woman just wanted to watch the Raptors game at a restaurant last night, but encountered some challenges.

Sarah Lashbrook has been in a wheelchair since she was fourteen in 1991, and says this isn’t the first time she has had to deal with a situation such as this one.

Man Challenges Ontario Pot Rules, Argues Discrimination Against People With Disabilities

By Paola Loriggio The Canadian Press

TORONTO A Toronto man who uses a wheelchair has filed a human rights complaint challenging Ontario’s cannabis sales regulations, arguing the province’s system discriminates against those with disabilities and limited financial means.

Ken Harrower, who uses cannabis to relieve symptoms from a condition affecting his joints and other medical issues, says the city has too few private retail stores, which he alleges are not wheelchair-accessible.

ONTARIO: A North Bay Beach is Going to Be Wheelchair Accessible This Summer

‘It means a lot of my friends are now going to be able to access our downtown lake, dip their toes in the water and enjoy the lake like everybody else’ says Linda Thomas-Ouellette

April 16
by: Linda Holmes

NORTH BAY – Every summer, people with mobility issues and parents with strollers struggle to push through the sand to get to the water’s edge at the North Bay waterfront.

Breaking Barriers: Accessibility at Home a Costly Process

Blair Crawford
Updated: March 30, 2019

Its just a few centimetres high, but the sill of the sliding glass door that leads to the back deck of her Barrhaven home is a mountain to Jennifer Glanz.

Its little, but I cant get over it, said Glanz, who has multiple sclerosis and uses a wheelchair. Glanz and her husband, Eli, have already installed a $4,000 electric lift in their garage so that Jennifer can get out of the house, and recently completed a renovation to make their bathroom barrier free.

Must Condos Making Renovations Implement Accessibility Measures?

by: Graeme Macpherson | March 20, 2019

Staying on top of accessibility issues can be a challenging task. There are many factors to juggle and many important rights to balance against one another. On top of all of this are the obvious financial and logistical concerns that can accompany making a building accessible.

One worry that some corporations may have is, if they implement some sort of accessibility device or modification to one section of the building, must they then do this everywhere?