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For Torontonians with Disabilities, Riding the TTC is Still A Struggle

It will take nearly a decade for the entire system to be accessible. By Jessica Geboers
May 30, 2016 at 1:00 pm

Stairs at St. George Station. Photo by Jason Cook from the Torontoist Flickr Pool( to view this image visit the link at the end of this article).

YMCA of Greater Toronto Opens Its Most Accessible Centre Yet

Cooper Koo Family Cherry St. YMCA design goes above and beyond latest accessibility standards

TORONTO April 26, 2016 When the Cooper Koo Family Cherry St. YMCA opens its doors May 30, it will be the most accessible YMCA building to-date.

This Centre of Community, developed in partnership
with Waterfront Toronto, Infrastructure Ontario and the Province of Ontario is a legacy building from last summers Toronto 2015 Pan Am / Parapan Am Games.

Accessible Demands

By Jason Miller, The Intelligencer
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Wade Watts, owner of Wheelchair Friendly Solutions, speaks to Louie DiPalma during a chamber of commerce event dealing with accessibility standards.

BELLEVILLE – In spite of new stringent accessibility regulations, roadblocks keep piling up for wheelchair users like Wade Watts, who says compliance moves at a snail’s pace across the Quinte region.

How FMs Can Support Employment Standards

Latest phase of accessibility regulations rolls out on path to barrier-free Ontario by 2025 Friday, February 5, 2016
By Michelle Ervin

Imagine approaching an elevator in the PATH system, reading a sign that says “buzz for assistance,” and waiting 20 minutes for security to come operate the otherwise standard lift. Imagine pulling a vehicle into an accessible space, then navigating the parking lot uphill in a wheelchair, over speed bumps, to find the pay-and-display ticket dispenser, only to realize that it’s out of reach. Imagine clasping a grab bar in a bathroom stall and watching it rip clear out of the wall.

New Campaign to Get McGuinty Government to Strengthen Enforcement of the AODA


October 15, 2012


Our newest campaign starts on Monday, October 29, 2012. Our aim is to get the McGuinty Government to strengthen the enforcement of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. We need your help. It’s easy. It just takes one phone call!