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Municipalities Urged to Eliminate Barriers to Housing Services

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Barbara Hall, left, chief commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, chats with Midland Mayor Gordon McKay and Jacqueline Pegg, an inquiry analyst with the public interest inquiries branch. DOUGLAS GLYNN The Free Press

The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) is calling on municipalities across Ontario to review their zoning and rental licensing bylaws to eliminate barriers to housing services for people with mental health issues or addictions.

Accessibility After The Cart

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

RE: Town council to discuss bylaw exemptions to allow horse and buggy business in Navy Yard Park

With the exception of Councillor Diane Pouget, shame on council for putting accessibility after the cart. In particular, shame on Councillor Bart DiPasquale, a member of the town’s accessibility advisory committee, for not representing the rights of residents with disabilities.

Attend the Toronto September 18 2012 Public Forum Discussion by Panel of Experts on McGuinty Government’s Proposed Regulation to Address Built Environment Barriers in Public Spaces

September 11, 2012


On August 15, 2012, the McGuinty Government posted for public comment a draft new regulation that is intended to address barriers in the built environment that impede persons with disabilities from access to public spaces.

We are delighted that the Inclusive Design Institute at OCAD University in Toronto is organizing a public forum to discuss and debate this draft regulation. The Inclusive Design Institute is inviting a panel of experts to comment on it, and will invite feedback and questions from the audience.

AODA Alliance Releases a Report Card on the McGuinty Government Record at Keeping Its Twelve 2011 Election Promises on Disability Accessibility

September 5, 2012

On August 19, 2011, Premier McGuinty made 12 important election commitments on what his Government would do, if re-elected in the 2011 Ontario election, to ensure that Ontario becomes fully accessible to over 1.7 million Ontarians with disabilities by 2025. Those commitments were set out in a letter to the AODA Alliance.

Design of Public Spaces in the Built Environment Draft Standards

The draft standards are now available for public review and comment.

We invite you to review the draft standards and provide us with your comments.

You have until October 1, 2012.