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Blind Man Denied Service From Uber Over Guide Dog

Matthew Dierckens says Uber’s refusal to transport him with his guide dog is discriminatory and frustrating.

A Windsor man who has no vision is advocating for increased awareness after he and his guide dog were rejected service by three Uber drivers over the past year.

“It’s 2016, this shouldn’t be happening,” Matthew Dierckens said after being denied service for the second time this month on July 8, “We shouldn’t have this problem, it’s discrimination and it’s frustrating.

TTC Investigating After Frustrated Man in Wheelchair Faces Off With Bus After Lengthy Wait

Face off involving disabled man being probed: TTC

The TTC says it is investigating after a frustrated wheelchair-bound man blocked a bus on Kipling Avenue following a lengthy wait last week. Joshua Freeman,
Published Monday, July 11, 2016 16 8:02PM EDT

Will New Accessible Parking Permits Combat Abuse?

Service Ontario rolls out new safeguards against people without disabilities taking advantage of accessible parking spots and free parking by Aaron Broverman
January 19, 2016

The government of Ontario has launched new accessible parking permits (APP) to combat abuse by those who don’t need them.

In Toronto alone, parking enforcement investigated and retained more than 800 APPs and charged over 700 people with abuse-related offences in 2015. Those numbers matched similar stats from the previous year.

Report Calls for New Name, New Rules for Handi Transit

By: Darren MacDonald – Sudbury Northern Life
Jan 06, 2016

A name change and a more flexible policy when it comes to people with brain injuries are among some of the recommendations in a consultant’s report on the city’s Handi-Transit bus service.

Says term ‘handicapped’ has become offensive to many people

City of Toronto Grapples with Accessible Parking Permit Abuse

by Aaron Broverman
January 5, 2016

Accessible parking permit abuse is a big problem in Toronto.

We’re the only municipality in Ontario that offers free street parking for accessible permit holders with very few exceptions (no standing zones and fire hydrants). Having this type of permit is as good as gold in a city where parking is expensive and hard to come by. Everybody wants one whether they have a disability or not.