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Representing a Diversity of Perspectives and Identities in Authentic Ways in Universal Design for Learning

Representing a diversity of perspectives and identities in authentic ways is a universal design for learning (UDL) guideline that supports multiple means of representation. The UDL guidelines were developed by an organization called CAST. This article will explore how teachers and other educators can find authentic ways to represent diverse perspectives and identities.

Representing a diversity of Perspectives and Identities in authentic ways in Universal Design for Learning

Representing a diversity of perspectives and identities in authentic ways means using learning resources that explore a variety of cultures and worldviews. When learning resources only explore one (1) cultural perspective, learners with other cultural backgrounds may feel excluded in class. In addition, learners belonging to the culture represented in class cannot learn about other worldviews and ways of thinking. On the other hand, learners in classrooms that represent diverse cultures all feel valued and have the chance to discover other histories and ideas.

Teachers can use many strategies to represent a diversity of perspectives and identities in authentic ways. For example, teachers can use learning resources written by people with diverse identities, including characteristics such as:

  • Gender
  • Race
  • Disability
  • Nationality
  • Socio-economic background

For example, learners could read novels by people with these backgrounds, or learn about their scientific discoveries. Similarly, teachers can invite guest speakers from various backgrounds. This variety will show learners that all disciplines gain from the contributions of people with different cultures and histories.

Moreover, teachers can help learners notice how portrayals of various cultures, such as in the media, impact the lives of people from those cultures. For example, learners may recognize stereotypes about people from specific cultures on TV or in social media. Learners can then consider how those stereotypes lead to discrimination and other harm. Conversely, learners can benefit from more realistic, in-depth depictions of people with other backgrounds. Learners can then focus on ways to subvert negative or false ideas and promote understanding of different worldviews.

Representing a diversity of perspectives and identities in authentic ways allows learners to gain knowledge about themselves and each other, as well as to think critically about the world around them.