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Keyboard Navigation in Websites and Documents

Keyboard navigation in websites and documents is an important part of universal design for the web. This article will outline how content creators can design websites and documents that people can navigate using keyboards or other input devices.

Keyboard Navigation in Websites and Documents

One principle of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) requires that web content must be operable. In other words, people should be able to navigate websites using various input devices and methods. Furthermore, WCAG requires websites to be robust, to work with current and future assistive technologies.

Accessibility Statements on Websites

Accessibility statements on websites are an important part of universal design for the web. This article will outline what an accessibility statement is and how it can attract visitors to a website.

Audio Narration in Websites and Documents

Audio narration in websites and documents is an important part of universal design for the web. This article will outline what audio narration is and how it helps a variety of people read websites and documents.

Audio Narration in Websites and Documents

One principle of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) requires web content to be perceivable. In other words, people with a variety of disabilities should be able to access the content of a webpage that is presented visually or audibly. Like many other WCAG guidelines, this principle also applies to documents.

Hyperlinks in Websites and Documents

Hyperlinks in websites and documents are an important part of universal design for the web. This article will outline how content creators can design hyperlinks that a variety of website visitors and document readers can use.

Visual Styles in Websites and Documents

Visual styles in websites and documents are an important part of universal design for the web. This article will outline how content creators can design websites and documents with visual styles that a variety of visitors can use and enjoy.