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Improving AODA Compliance in Customer Service

Under the AODA, private or non-profit businesses with twenty to forty-nine (20-49) workers, or fifty (50) or more workers, must complete accessibility reports every three years. The next accessibility reports for private or non-profit businesses were due on December 31st, 2020. However, the Ontario government has extended this deadline. This extended deadline for accessibility reports for private or non-profit businesses is June 30th, 2021. Nonetheless, businesses should use this extra time to assess how compliant they are with AODA standards. Moreover, businesses should also improve their compliance by changing the services they offer so that their businesses are more accessible. In this article, we will outline ways to improve AODA compliance in customer service.

Improving AODA Compliance in Customer Service

Even if businesses are fully compliant with the customer service standards, they can still make changes to their policies and services to enhance accessibility. For instance, some services that businesses could offer include:

In addition, service providers can alert all customers about all accessible features and services they have. For example, businesses can inform customers about the availability and location of physical features, such as:

Likewise, businesses can also tell customers about other accessible services, such as:

Finally, businesses that do not yet offer these features and services can explain how they will meet customers’ needs in other ways, such as:

  • Meeting customers in accessible locations
  • Serving customers by phone or email
  • Alerting customers to information on inaccessible signage

When service providers make customers aware of the accessible services they have, they can start doing business with many more clients.

Enhanced Customer Service Training

Furthermore, businesses can also improve the quality of the customer service training their staff receive. Under the customer service standards, training can take many formats, from basic handouts to more in-depth instruction. When staff receive higher-quality training, they can learn:

High-quality training can also be geared specifically to a business’s services. For instance, restaurant staff could have training that helps them practice:

This practice will allow staff to gain experience serving customers with a variety of disabilities. As a result, businesses can confidently welcome and serve all their customers.